Potter’s Gate Charities has a wide range of annual and specialized programs, activities and events that allow for corporate sponsorship opportunities.

Potter’s Gate Charities has a wide range of annual and specialized programs, activities and events that allow for corporate sponsorship opportunities. Some of our annual events include:

  • Youth Scope Back-to-School Rallies
  • Yes-U-Can Awards Dinner
  • End Hunger
  • Annual Agency Conference
  • Donor Recognition Event

If you can give $1,000 in sponsorship, then we can give 5,000 free meals to hungry residents in our communities. Or give clothes to the underprivileged.

Sponsorships can have outstanding marketing benefits for a corporation as well. We regularly recognize our sponsors in our:

  • Newsletters
  • Website
  • Annual report
  • Advertisements and promotions
  • Event programs
  • Press materials and recognition
  • President's remarks

If your organization is interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please contact, Sandy Sawyer, the Director of Business Partnerships.

Most of the world's hungry people are in Asia and Africa, with 520 million and 243 million, respectively. But proportionally Africa is hardest hit, with 20 percent of people not having enough food. Support our mission to make a positive change in the lives of these underprivileged children and disadvantaged families.
Learn more

Transitional and Recovery Programs to Empower Traumatized Women

How we support impoverished women

Although the situation is dire, we offer some incredible local programs supporting women and their families.

  • Emergency and transitional shelters for homeless women and their children provide much more than a roof over a family’s head. These shelters strive to improve families’ economic self-sufficiency by providing case management, tutoring, parenting classes, life skills and job training.
  • Permanent housing facilities for homeless and chronically homeless women. This provides varying amounts of financial support for women with multiple economic barriers. Therefore, more women can acquire the income required to maintain their own housing.
  • Maternity homes offer comprehensive services for women living independently after the birth of a child. These services include education and parenting classes as well as preparedness training.
  • Pregnancy counseling programs help expectant mothers resolve any immediate physical, environmental, and emotional needs and challenges. These programs also support women and teens in difficult situations, guiding them to make decisions that are right for them.

Help solve water crisis in Ghana. For a small investment, you can fund reliable water projects that serve the underprivileged and disadvantaged families, villages and schools. Wells, dams and rain catchment systems can provide hygienic source of drinking water.
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