Millions of women seek help every year because of problems with drugs, alcohol, food and relationships. These problems are often traumatic, and this trauma — past or present — is often the root cause of broken homes, estranged families and even at-risk youth.
Trauma takes many forms:Surveys consistently show high rates of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse among people with serious mental illness. This is because of a connection between the intensity of traumatic experience and the severity of psychiatric symptoms later in life.
Research shows a link between a history of trauma and recurring problems such as substance abuse. Too often, this leads to a cycle of re-victimization.
This is because trauma, mental health problems, and substance abuse form an interconnected web, with difficult experiences in one area increasing the likelihood of difficulty in other areas.
Break the cycle today, for good
The Tamar initiative is an association that empowers traumatized women who are looking for effective, long-lasting solutions to their problems. Tamar equips women with resources and information about programs proven successful in women's recovery. It also gives them access to a network of organizations and professionals in the fields of women’s and mental health.
Although the situation is dire, we offer some incredible local programs supporting women and their families.