Good governance starts with the board of directors. Our board of directors oversee the administration and management of the organization to make sure it fulfills its mission.

In organizations of all kinds, good governance starts with the board of directors. They oversee the administration and management of the organization to make sure it fulfills its mission.

Our board members track, guide, and enable good management. The board makes decisions about matters of policy, direction, strategy, and governance.

The board of Potter’s Gate Charities:

  • devises policies and goals for short-term and long-term challenges and opportunities
  • authorizes major transactions or other actions
  • oversees the health of the organization, including:
    • the viability of its business model
    • the integrity of its internal systems and controls
    • the accuracy of its financial statements
  • evaluates and manages risk
  • stewards the resources of the organization for the long run by:
    • reviewing annual budgets
    • evaluating operations
    • encouraging foresight through several budget cycles
    • making investments that consider future evolution
    • planning for future capital needs
  • Mentors senior management while providing resources, advice and introductions to make operations smoother.
Most of the world's hungry people are in Asia and Africa, with 520 million and 243 million, respectively. But proportionally Africa is hardest hit, with 20 percent of people not having enough food. Support our mission to make a positive change in the lives of these underprivileged children and disadvantaged families.
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National and International Advocate for the Most Vulnerable

The Potter’s Gate Charities Incorporated of New Jersey does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the ground of race, color, nation of origin, religious creed, disability, ancestry, sex, age, or sexual orientation in employment or in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by The Potter’s Gate Charities Incorporated New Jersey directly or through our agencies or any other entity with whom The Potter’s Gate Charities Incorporated of New Jersey arranges to carry out its program and activities.

This policy statement is in accordance with the provision of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to the acts, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 80, 84, 91 and other applicable Federal, State and Local Laws and Regulations.

In case of questions concerning this policy, or in the event of a desire to file a complaint alleging violations of the above, please

Help solve water crisis in Ghana. For a small investment, you can fund reliable water projects that serve the underprivileged and disadvantaged families, villages and schools. Wells, dams and rain catchment systems can provide hygienic source of drinking water.
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